Global Starseed Connection: Integrating Regenerative Agriculture and Indigenous Wisdom
Join us for an engaging online session as we open the Starseed Village experience to the world. Connect with active Starseeds shaping this visionary project, gain insights into our development journey, and ask questions about the future of our community.
We’re excited to welcome Jesse from Enki Australia as a special guest. Enki is a Starseed partner dedicated to regenerative agriculture, food forestry, and medicine cultivation. Jesse will share their philosophy and the innovative, closed-loop agricultural and manufacturing models developed on their land in Australia.
Together, we’ll explore how these practices, in harmony with indigenous wisdom, are being integrated into Starseed Village to cultivate profound connections to the land, foster opportunities for residents, and create abundant homestead income options.
Be part of this global gathering as we build a sustainable future rooted in connection, abundance, and purpose.
Join us online for free by clicking the button below, or copy and paste the google meets link into your browser (at 4.44pm CST 22nd Nov)
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dsj-kxgg-kvm
Jesse Leith
William Blakey
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