Integrating your Zone of Genius, AI, and Consciousness Enhancement Technologies in simple & streamlined ways

Part 1: Zone of Genius

  • Zone of Genius rapid discovery
  • Activation of Genius within

Part 2: AI

  • Conscious hacks and use cases
  • Hyper-personalizing AI

Part 3: Integrating AI, business and consciousness


You may come out of this workshop with some of these results:

  • Have your your Zone of Genius packaged into one sentence
  • Hyper-personalize AI for yourself
  • GPS-locate your current financial situation
  • Intuitively download 3 concrete guided next steps on what priority shifts to do and committed action items on how to get to your next financial level
  • Innerstand a holistic taxonomy of human talents
  • Connect with your deeper archetypal energies
  • Equip yourself with simple yet powerful AI hacks
  • Become more conscious about your quality of life (usually leading to accelerated growth)
  • Bonus (if we have time):
    • how to get into any social circle (provided it is for the highest good)
    • Equip yourself with some deep integral frameworks


09 Apr 2024


1:00 pm - 3:00 pm


PARQ - Ubud, Bali


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