Yogic Asana : Hatha Flow


Yoga asana isΒ the third limb of the eight-limbed path outlined in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and refers to the postures, or seat, in our body.

During Asana practice we will move through different postures, connected with breath and mindful movement to achieve oneness.

The goal of Asana practice is to move and align energy in our body to achieve optimal health and achieve stillness in the mind and body to reach meditation.

You may join Asana as a continuation of our Pranayama & Meditation class, or join the group at 8am.

Please respect the sacred space. Enter & exit the space with silence and awareness of others who are in their practice.



04 Apr 2024


8:00 am - 9:00 am


Eden Estate
Eden Estate
Pejeng kawan, takpaksiring, Gianyar, 80552

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