SIP : Culcha Teahouse Social

SIP is where the tea is at – a weekly tea social hosted in collaboration with CulCha Collective. We gather to share stories, tea treasures, make new friends and strengthen the international tea scene. Conversations unfold over live background music, with classy touches to keep us all connected:

Speakteasy Snacks™️- gotta ground after all the sips. New tastes pair with our favorite teas.

Tales of the Tea Leaf™️- each week will have a guest speaker to briefly share wisdom from their unique area of tea knowledge.

Wise-Wares Market™️- community area to sell your tea-related wares … kimonos, books, tools, trays, incense, pets, vintage scores, art, clay and leafs.

Subtle-Sip Tea-Tasting™️- each week will feature a tea genre for comparison-tasting to highlight our favorites and develop our tongue-qigong. Bring your leafs and see how they match up.

Moment of Zen™️- A cup sipped in silence to honor the stillness found in tea.

Masterless Tea Lounge™️- the space for your unique tea-style to be expressed – bring your gear and setup your space – what is tea for you?

Sage Sounds™️- bring instruments which support the social tea atmosphere with live musical ambiance and ear-enhancing sonics. CulCha Collective facilitates the flow and plugs artists into the sound system.

Fashion-inspiration – Zen Tea Wear.

Come early for the best teas and intimate atmosphere, stay for the snacks and candlelit sunsets.


CulCha Collective is a crew of tea servers, musicians, dancers, healers and ceremonialists. They create tea art, weaving traditional arts with modern methods. Their vision is to co-create new spiritual culture each time they gather, a culture that can unite people across any perceived division.



25 Apr 2024


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Dragon Tea Temple. Zest

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